Leverage modern image compression formats such as WebP or AVIF to shrink your images without visual quality loss.
Improve LCP, FID and CLS through faster images and win the SEO battle. Improve the UX of your pages for better conversion.
Free-up critical resources to work on building value for your customers rather than manually resizing images in Photoshop®.
Save on CDN bandwidth and storage costs to reduce your environmental impact through lighter images.
Unlimited images
Unlimited transformations
For a blog or a personal website
25 GB of Image Cache
25 GB of Monthly
CDN Traffic
Best Effort support
Unlimited images
Unlimited transformations
For a small platform or an app
40 GB of Image Cache
60 GB of Monthly
CDN Traffic
SLA: 99.9%
prepaid annually
Unlimited images
Unlimited transformations
For a larger online shop
70 GB of Image Cache
150 GB of Monthly CDN Traffic
SLA: 99.9%
Advanced or Premium Support*
Custom CNAME (up to 2) SSL certificate
prepaid annually
Unlimited images
Unlimited transformations
For high traffic websites or apps
200 GB of Image Cache
800 GB of Monthly CDN Traffic
SLA: 99.95%
Advanced or Premium Support*
Custom CNAME (up to 4) SSL certificate
prepaid annually
with annual commitment
$0.25 per GB overse
Unlimited images
Unlimited transformations
Manage multiple projects from one single console
1 TB+ of Image Cache
or monthly
CDN Traffic
SLA: 99.99%
Advanced or Premium Support*
Dedicated Account Manager
Custom CNAME
SSL certificate
Custom pricing
Discover which global actors in the sector have already put their trust, and their visuals, in our hands.